Louise Han Editing Services
2010 - Present
Project Officer
Supporting our growing family business which manufactures furniture in Asia and distributes it throughout Australia. My role includes liaising with factories, attending Furniture expositions to source new suppliers and coordinating special interest projects such as our commitment to various charities and community development projects.
2009 - 2010
Recruitment Officer
Working for Brisbane City Council in their Recruitment Centre, I wrote job advertisements, and filtered applications for roles based on the suitability of Resumes. I conducted reference checks of applicants telephonically as well as setting up interview times with suitable applicants.
2008 - 2009
Multicultural Employment Advisor
Multicultural Em[loyment Case Manager for Brisbane City Council Multicultural Employment Infrastructure Program (MEIP). MEIP supported migrants and refugees to Brisbane to find employment within Brisbane. By identifying transferable skills and supporting them with their applications for roles, we were able to allow highly skilled migrants and refugees to Brisbane bridge the cultural divide between their country of origin and their new home.
Professional Writing and Publishing
Curtin University
Completed through Open Universities Australia
Completed a degree in Professional Writing and Publishing, with elective subjects in Mandarin, Web Design, and Art History.
Received two Commendations from the University for outstanding results.
I completed my degree whilst supporting our family business and raising three children, demonstrating my exceptional organisational and time management skills.
Diploma Marketing Management
Boland College Stellenbosch, South Africa
Completed a diploma in Marketing Management focusing on market research, sales and advertising.
Completed first two years towards Cape Wine Makers qualification.
2004 - 2011
TESOL - teaching English as a second language (Global TESOL college, Canada)
Certificate III in Employment Services (Duality training)
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Southbank Tafe)
First Aid & First Aid for Kids